
Competition in Science Entrepreneurship

Today’s Science – Tomorrow’s Development


What is ScienceJam?

ScienceJam is a science entrepreneurship competition for 3rd and 4th (exceptionally 2nd) secondary school students, who compete with a scientific project for which they have also developed a business model. The purpose of the competition is to connect science and entrepreneurship, and thus enable the development of scientific and entrepreneurship competences. Teams competing at ScienceJam can compete in both the Popri business competition and the Krka Scientific Awards competition.

In preparation for the ScienceJam competition, we expect teams to develop application value in a science project. Teams will develop a solution for social, environmental, health, agricultural, industrial, energy, etc. problems or needs, scientifically study and test it, and at the same time develop a business model for it and direct it towards the market from the very beginning.

Why participate in ScienceJam?


  • We develop scientific and entrepreneurship competences
  • We combine science and entrepreneurship
  • We connect future researchers with the economy
  • We encourage public speaking
  • We develop enterprising scientists for tomorrow’s development

What dates do you need to pay attention to?

  • 22 April 2022: deadline for submitting written research assignments
  • May 10, 2022: announcement of 12 finalists
  • 20 May 2022: deadline for submission of improved written research assignments
  • 22 May 2022: deadline for submitting personal presentations
  • May 24, 2022: finals in Novo mesto
  • 31 May 2022: official publication of results

How does ScienceJam work?

The competition takes place in two stages. In the first level, students compete only with a written research assignment, which describes the science and business model behind their project. We have prepared a written research assignment template to make it easier for teams.

The twelve best-written research assignments are included in the ScienceJam finals, where the teams pitch their projects to judges. You can see the deadline for submitting research assignments and the date of the finals in “What dates do you need to pay attention to”.

We recommend that you read the ScienceJam rules before registering.

How do you enter the ScienceJam competition?

Competitors apply to ScienceJam with a written research assignment based on ScienceJam’s template. You can find the template at the bottom of this page.

When writing, you should pay attention to:

  • Theoretical background
  • Empirical research
  • Thorough market research
  • Interviews with potential customers
  • A prototype made and tested on the market can be a mock-up

When applying, in addition to the research assignment, you must also submit the signed consent of the parents, which can be found at the bottom of this page. Don’t forget to list your mentors!

When writing, keep in mind that a research paper should not be a fantasy essay. Everything written must be verified by scientific methods and/or on the market through entrepreneurial experiments.

Who can enter the ScienceJam competition?

All students from Slovenia and abroad who are regularly enrolled in one of the Slovenian or minority secondary schools can apply to ScienceJam. As one of the goals of ScienceJam is also to promote teamwork, it is desirable that teams register, although individuals can also sign up for ScienceJam.

The competition is primarily intended for second, third and fourth-year students. It is intended for students who are interested in science, but are also entrepreneurially oriented and would like to develop solutions for the market.

Above all, it is intended for students who are willing to work hard and learn to achieve their goals.

How much does it cost to enter ScienceJam?

Registration for the Science Jam competition is FREE for competitors and mentors.

The ScienceJam competition in 2021-2022 is funded by:

  • MIZŠ 


We develop scientific and entrepreneurship competencies
We combine science and entrepreneurship
We connect future researchers with businesses
We offer competitors an international dimension
We encourage public speaking


At the end of the program, participants have the following options:

  • Additional individual business advice
  • Participation in additional free workshops, lectures, seminars for market penetration and business development
  • Applying for grants in the tender of Dolenjska municipalities for innovative young companies
  • Inclusions in the Podbreznik Business Incubator or Codorking Podbreznik

Today's science - tomorrow's development

Join ScienceJam!

Development Centre Novo mesto Ltd.

Podbreznik 15
SI-8000 Novo mesto

Office hours

Every workday from 7.00 to 15.00

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